Strategic Communications Products
Marketing Materials
USARIEM Placemat (PDF 2.5 MB)
USARIEM Overview Brochure
A look at USARIEM, the Department of Defense's premier institution for environmental and exercise physiology research. (PDF 3.06 MB)
USARIEM Research Fellow and Internship Opportunities Flyer
This brochure contains information on internships, post Doctoral programs, research associateships, and career development at USARIEM, the Department of Defense's premier institution for environmental and exercise physiology research. (PDF 731 KB)
Heat Illness Prevention System Fact Sheet
(PDF 686 KB)
Military Nutrition Division Brochure
An overview of MND and its research on nutritional issues affecting the health and fitness of service members. (PDF 771 KB)
Military Performance Division Brochure
An overview of MPD and its research to enhance the performance (physical, cognitive, behavioral and psychomotor) of military occupational tasks, or to prevent performance decrements due to physical overload, nutritional deprivation, environmental and operational stresses, and musculoskeletal injuries. (PDF 694 KB)
Thermal and Mountain Medicine Division Brochure
An overview of TMD research to sustain and enhance performance (physical and cognitive) and minimize medical problems associated with military operations at environmental extremes (heat, cold & high terrestrial altitude). (PDF 694 KB)
Bone Health Brochure
An overview of Bone Health & Military Medical Readiness, a Military Operational Medicine Research Program. This program's mission is to advance bone physiology research that may lead to strategies to improve bone health of young men and women, reducing stress fracture rates during physically intensive training, and reducing risk of osteoporosis later in life. (PDF 694 KB)
Biological Assistants Brochure
(PDF 694 KB)