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U.S. Army
Research Institute of Environmental Medicine

Studies Enrolling Volunteers

Effects of GLP-1R Agonist on Body Composition & Performance in Military Personnel

The effects of GLP-1R agonist (the drug Wegovy®) on body composition and performance in military personnel study

Participants needed for the research study on the effects of GLP-1R agonist (the drug Wegovy®) on body composition and performance in military personnel.

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Cold Stress & Sleep Deprivation
Research Study

Participants needed for a cold stress & sleep deprivation study

Participants needed for a cold stress & sleep deprivation study to determine if the FDA-approved medication, Modafinil (Provigil®), will improve the effects of cold environmental temperature and sleep-deprivation stressors. Get more information.

Heat Acclimation Using Overdressing in Cool Conditions

Volunteers Needed for Research Study - Heat acclimation using overdressing in cool conditions

Volunteer participation needed for research study examining whether exercise with overdressing (wearing extra layers of clothes) can result in heat acclimation. Get more information.

Nutrition, Sleep, and Immune Function Research Study Seeks Cadet Volunteers

The information from this study will be used to help develop future nutrition strategies to improve immune health and reduce common cold risk in cadets. Get more information.

Recovery protein nutrition as a countermeasure for anabolic resistance following sleep loss

Participants Needed for a Military Nutrition Research Study: Healthy men and women ages 18 – 39 years are needed to participate in a research study examining how sleep loss affects the body's ability to build and maintain muscle and whether eating protein in a certain pattern can improve recovery from sleep loss. Get more information. Get more information.

Gut-Brain Study

Participants needed for a Military Nutrition Research Study to determine the effects of a prebiotic and probiotic nutritional supplementation on gastrointestinal health, mood, and cognitive function. Get more information.

Participants needed for a Military Nutrition Research Study

Participants needed for a Military Nutrition research study to determine the effects of a high fiber dietary supplement on exercise endurance. Get more information.


Volunteers Needed for Iron-Altitude Study

Volunteers needed for Iron-altitude study examining the effects of IV Iron on physiological responses at altitude. Get more information.

Last Modified Date: 3/6/2025