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U.S. Army
Research Institute of Environmental Medicine

Studies Enrolling Volunteers

Recovery protein nutrition as a countermeasure for anabolic resistance following sleep loss

Participants Needed for a Military Nutrition Research Study: Healthy men and women ages 18 – 39 years are needed to participate in a research study examining how sleep loss affects the body's ability to build and maintain muscle and whether eating protein in a certain pattern can improve recovery from sleep loss. Get more information. Get more information.

Gut-Brain Study

Participants needed for a Military Nutrition Research Study to determine the effects of a prebiotic and probiotic nutritional supplementation on gastrointestinal health, mood, and cognitive function. Get more information.


Participants needed for a Military Nutrition Research Study

Determining optimal energy substrate to enhance postprandial protein kinetic responses to EAA-enriched whey during energy deficit. Get more information. Get more information.

Participants needed for a Military Nutrition Research Study

Participants needed for a Military Nutrition research study to determine the effects of a high fiber dietary supplement on exercise endurance. Get more information.

Volunteers Needed for a Heat Acclimation Study

Volunteers Needed for a Heat Acclimation Study examining the role of sex and reproductive hormones on adaptations resulting from heat exposure. Get more information. Get more information.

Volunteers Needed for Nutrition Research Study

Volunteers needed for nutrition research study to determine how body weight and body composition impacts immune function, skin barrier restoration time, skeletal muscle inflammation and nutrient status. Get more information.


Volunteers Needed for Iron-Altitude Study

Volunteers needed for Iron-altitude study examining the effects of IV Iron on physiological responses at altitude. Get more information.


Volunteers needed for an exercise research study

Volunteers needed for a study to determine the effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on bone and muscle metabolism after plyometric exercise. Get more information.


Participate in a High Altitude Study

Men and women volunteers between the ages of 18-40 needed for a 10 week research study to determine the effectiveness of erythropoietin and acetazolamide to reduce acute mountain sickness and improve performance at altitude. Get more information.


Participate in a Cold-Altitude Study

Male and female volunteers between the ages of 18-40 needed for a 6-week study to determine the effects of repeated water immersion on physiological adjustments and symptoms of Acute Mountain Sickness at high altitude. Get more information.


Cold Water Immersion Risk: Influence of Water Depth and Metabolic Rate

Healthy male or female volunteers between the ages of 18-49 needed for a 3-4 week, 4 session, study examining the effects of various exercise intensities during cold water immersion. Must be a civilians with recreational backpacking experience or military member with a recent black score on the Occupational Physical Assessment Test (OPAT) to apply. Get more information.


Participate in a wet clothing and cold exposure study

Volunteers 18-45 years needed for a study (6 visits across 3-4 weeks) to determine the effect of wet clothing and its drying time on body temperature regulation during cold air exposure. Get more information.

Last Modified Date: 6/11/2024