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U.S. Army
Research Institute of Environmental Medicine

Key Products

Heat Strain Decision Aid (HSDA)
The HSDA Work-Rest Table Generator and the HSDA Event Risk Assessment are web apps providing helpful modelling for predicting, and thus reducing, heat illnesses. The apps can be accessed on this CAC-enabled site,

US Marine Corps Body Composition and Military Appearance Program (BCMAP) Study:
This report outlines the findings from an assessment of the BCMAP, intended to provide data and options for Marine Corps policies and standards. Get more information.

ECTemp - Estimated Core Temperature Algorithm:
The ECTemp algorithm uses minute by minute measures of heart rate to estimate core body temperature.

SCENARIO - Human Thermoregulatory Response Model
The SCENARIO model is a physics- and physiology-based thermoregulatory model designed to predict heat strain experienced by humans in athletic, industrial, and military settings.

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Last Modified Date: 7/23/2024