Biophysics & Biomedical Modeling Division
The Biophysics and Biomedical Modeling Division develops practical solutions for predicting and countering environmental threats to Warfighter health and performance through research on biophysical assessments of clothing and individual equipment, biomedical modeling, and wearable physiological sensors.
Research Areas
Clothing Biophysics
- Evaluate biophysical properties (insulation, moisture permeability) of standard issue and prototype military and commercial gear to predict effects on performance and comfort.
- Assess biophysical properties using specialized sweating thermal manikins to support material developers.
- Perform integral role in the development of major clothing systems (e.g., the Joint Service Light Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST)).
- Advise program managers in the development of next generation chemical and biological protective ensembles, ballistic protection systems, and multi-purpose ensembles for Warfighters of various services.
Biomedical Modeling and Simulation
- Use a collection of environmental, clothing, and mission data to predict Soldier water requirements, metabolic costs, body temperatures, and tolerance time in response to heat, cold and high terrestrial altitudes.
- Support materiel developers by conducting quantitative biophysical analyses of clothing and individual equipment (CIE) systems.
- Develop graphical representations of data-driven guidance that enables Warfighters to understand and use health and performance information.
- Model iterations of prediction outcomes to generate tables for important guidance documents (e.g., TB-MED 507).
Decision Aids And Mission Planning Tools
- Predict Soldier body temperatures, metabolic costs, water requirements, and tolerance time under environmental stress using a combination of biomedical models, algorithms, and equations.
Wearable Sensor Development
- BBMD continues to work with partners from government, small business, and academia to develop and validate material solutions for measuring physiological and physical elements (e.g., ground reaction forces, hydration status) that influence Soldier health and performance.
- The Division is working to use a collection of sensors and algorithms for early onset of illnesses (e.g., fever detection).
Translational Field Testing And Evaluation
- Collect field data from Warfighters performing mission related tasks to refine and verify biomedical models and algorithms, improve wearable system capabilities, and guide DoD product transitions.
- Develop and validate new individual wearable sensors systems.
- Develop and validate models and algorithms that predict changes to physiological statuses or potential for injuries in field settings.
Last Modified Date: 7/10/2023