Behind the Science with Lieutenant Colonel Julianna Jayne, Military Deputy Chief in the Military Nutrition Division

How long have you been at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine?
I have been with USARIEM since 2018, but I will be departing this summer for a new assignment at Defense Center for Public Health-Aberdeen. I am very fortunate to have had a tour at USARIEM. I learned so much from our incredible staff of science professionals and leaders.
How did you become interested in Soldier Nutrition and Performance?
After doing clinical and outpatient nutrition care for several years, I realized I wanted to move into research. My goal since has been to do research that examines Warfighter nutrition behaviors and how to help Warfighters be healthier, stronger and more mission ready.
What projects are you currently working on?
Since coming to USARIEM, I have been involved in studies on eating behaviors of Warfighters and testing the effects of ration products on Warfighter performance.
What aspects of your job do you love and find most gratifying?
I love the science we do. It is awesome to find out something new from the data we collect and analyze. The most gratifying part of this position is seeing our team succeed. Nothing is more exciting to me than accomplishing a common goal as a team.
What part of your job do you find to be the most difficult?
Juggling multiple projects while making sure I prioritize engaging with Soldiers and participating in the Institut's activities such as scientific seminars, detachment trainings, and ceremonies.
When you are not at the Institute, what do you like to do for fun?
I need a creative outlet to feel fulfilled, so I paint and garden. I also enjoy riding bikes or hiking with my husband and kids.